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Marsdenia australis, commonly known as the bush banana, silky pear or green vine is an Australian native plant. It is found in Central Australia and throughout Western Australia. It is a bush tucker food used by Indigenous Australians.[2]

M. australis has many different names in Aboriginal languages. In the Arrernte language of Central Australia;merne alangkwe (older transcription: elonka[3]), merne ulkantyerrknge (the flowers) and merne altyeye (the prefixmerne signifies plant food). In Karrajari, Nyulnyul and Yawuru it is called 'Magabala'.[4] It can be eaten small or fully grown. The small fruits are called amwerterrpe. Kalgoorlie, Western Australia takes its name from the aWangai word, Karlkurla, meaning "place of the silky pears".

The flowers hang in clusters and can also be eaten, as can the main part of the plant (altyeye in Arrernte).

Bush bananas are cooked in hot earth beside the fire or eaten raw when young (the flavour has been likened to fresh peas). The root of the plant is called Merne atnetye and can also be eaten raw or cooked. The very white roots are cooked in the hot earth close to the fire.

All parts of the bush banana plant are still eaten in the desert today.


Soil conditions: This native plant likes a clay/limestone soil. Once seedlings have been germinated, give them full sun and only water once soil has dried out. Once established, will not require much watering.  They are a climber and usually like to grow on Acacia. 


Please check your states quarantine regulations before purchasing as I will not be held accountable for any seeds that cannot be in your state. Thank you

10 x Native Bush Banana Seeds


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